28 ott 2014

Mi Buenos Aires querido - the most alive city in the world by far !!

"Mi Buenos Aires querido....cuando yo te vuelva a ver no habrá más pena ni olvido."
El puente de la mujer - Puerto Madero
Carlos Gardel's words and melody will always echo in my mind. This spectacular tango wants to transmit the feeling of those who had to leave Buenos Aires for some reason, but will keep forever the city inside them and will always dream about coming back. Well, that's exactly how I have been feeling after I left BA, last year during my exchange semester in Universidad de Belgrano in July 2013. Buenos Aires literally traps you in its arms in a way that I cannot describe it, you just feel so linked to that city that you have to come back, sooner or later.

I have been travelling a lot and I have no doubt in saying that Argentina is the most beautiful country in the world and Buenos Aires the most beautiful city. Not only it is just magnificent on its own with its green parks and its history - Buenos Aires offers a way of living, a human "heat", a never-sleeping multicultural environment, funny parties and people, excellent food, a careless and free state of mind that I rarely found somewhere else. Every morning you wake up, you see that deep blue sky, you walk among European splendid architecture of la belle epoque, sometimes perfect, sometimes more "decadent"...but always alive in its 48 barrios and 13 million inhabitants (the whole conglomerate).

The land of Dulce de leche, Carlos Gardel, Mafalda, los alfajores, Plaza Armenia, Recoleta, La Boca, el colectivo, el Subte, Che Boludo, Tango, Teatro Colòn, Puerto Madero, parrilla libre, las empanadas, los submarinos, el mate, las medialunas, el Rosebar, la reserva ecologica, la Casa Rosada, San Telmo, Plaza Dorrego, Fernet con cola, choripan, la Bomba de Tiempo, los parques de Palermo, Café Tortoni, Avenida Corrientes, la mitica Universidad de Belgrano, casa de Poppy/BenBi/Orin/Scott, las casas de cambio, los helados de 1/2 kilo de sambayòn, Scalabrini-Ortiz, the ISHBA family, Siga la Vaca restaurant ....a million things remind me of Buenos Aires !!!!!!!!!!

Here some pictures that represent Buenos Aires for me... You will see that many famous places are missing (such as La Boca, Recoleta Cemetery, etc) but I couldn't put them all! Y mis amigos de Buenos Aires...aunque no estén todos les amo a todos!!!!
La Reserva Ecologica de BA
Tango at Café Tortoni
Las chicas
Parrilla en Poppy & Co's terrasse !!

Mis boludos favoritos in Poppy & Co's house
Ladies night at Teatro Colòn
Sunset - next to Puerto Madero
Banco de la Nacion Argentina, in Plaza de Mayo
Walking in Palermo neighborhood
Puerto Madero
San Telmo
The spectacular Teatro Colòn
Plaza de Mayo - the Cathedral on the right
Floralis Genérica
One of the numerous peaceful protests/marchs
El Congreso
Day trip in Tigre
Lunch with music in Plaza Lavalle con algunos de Los Tanos
Sky Diving in Chascomùs
Pic Nic in Parques de Palermo
Plaza de Mayo and Casa Rosada
My Family - Despedida de Gaby
El Ateneo in Avenida Santa Fe - an ex-theater converted to huge library
Palacio de aguas corrientes - avenida Cordoba

Ben's party!!

Mi Buenos Aires querido...Nos vemos muy muy prontito ;)

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